Saturday, August 10, 2013

New products - “Sew Sweet” – take a peek


Have you already been drooling over the phenomenal inspiration the Whiff of Joy Design Team Ladies shared with you this week?

Well, the wait is almost over – tomorrow (August 11th) our exciting new products will be available.

Don’t miss our blog hop, which starts right here at 8am  (CEST).


A482_I-sew-adore-you_Henry  G485_SewCute_Maya G486_CloseKnit_Kitty G487_StitchedUpWithLove_Maya G488_EatSleepCreate A483_You-are-a-stitch A484_MusicForTheSoul

 nested-startpage dielights2-startpage

deutscheTexte_startpage StephanieSchütze_startpage


  1. WOUW this looks absolutely awesome. I´m so exited about this release here, and I just wish, I had tons of money, so I could buy it all SIGH.

  2. Awesome products! Loving the die-lights specially :)


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