Thursday, April 4, 2013

Guest Designer for April & May

Happy Thursday Everyone! As you may remember, after we had our Design Team call, we had a really hard time choosing the team. There were so many amazing entries but we couldn’t take everyone. That is when we decided that we would ask some of our fabulous entrants to be our Guest Designers!

For February and March, we had the amazing Linda Kläringe from Pysselbus. She did a phenomenal job! Thanks sweetie!

For April & May, we are delighted to have:

Natascha Banning from Natascha’s Blog


We fell in love with Natascha’s sense of light and movement in her creations and how she is able to add texture with her embellishments!

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IMG_0965 (4)

We asked Natascha to tell us a little about herself. This is what she wrote:

“Hello! My name is Natascha Banning and I am 28 years old now. I have three adorable kids in the age between 6 and 9 years and my husband who I love very much. We are 9 years married now and live with our two cats in a lively apartment. I started crafting after my youngest sons birth in the summer 2007. One year later I fall for stamping and crafting cards. Since a while I have a craft room for myself and I can take my breaks there from my full-time job as mother, housewife and my payed part time job which I do from home as well. I am pleased to work with so many amazing crafters around the world. You are all so great and inspiring. I am looking forward to get creative with the cute and lovely Whiff of Joy products and show them to you. Hugs and kisses, Natascha :)”

Thanks so much for accepting to be our Guest Designer for the next two months! We can’t wait to see all that you create :)

Have a great day everyone :)

Hugs Jeanette xxo


  1. Es freut mich das Natascha GD sein wird. Ich finde Ihre Arbeiten traumhaft schön und freue mich schon auf ihre Werke!!! LG ANDREA

  2. Gorgeous work Natascha!! Congrats on your GDT position!!

  3. Was für genialen Neuigkeiten. Liebe Natascha, ich freue mich so für dich. Bin sehr neugierig was dieses mal aus deine zauber Hände raus kommt
    LG Ana

  4. Thank you so much! I love to get creative with the lovely Whiff of Joy stams. Can't wait to share my new creations with all of you!

    Vielen lieben Dank für die lieben Kommentare :).

    LG, Natascha
