Sunday, April 14, 2013

April Blog Hop Winner

Happy Sunday Everyone! Hope your week-end was a great one.

I am here to announce the winner of the April Blog Hop. The winner was drawn from random from among all those who left a comment at each stop of the hop!

The winner is:

Andrea from Pulsatillas Stempelwerke

Congratulations my dear :)

Please send your mailing details to me and I will make sure that your prize is mailed off to you!  jeanettecomerford(at)sympatico(dot)com

Thanks to everyone for making our hop a success!

Hugs Jeanette xxo


  1. Hey, so cool, gratuliere Andrea!

    GLG Claudia

  2. WOW - ich kann es gar nicht glauben, Mensch wie ich mich freue, damit habe ich echt nicht gerechnet, Juhu - Tausend DANK!!!! GLG ANDREA

  3. CONGRATS Andrea, and please enjoy your prize, when you get it.
    And thanks soo much for a great hop girls, it was really inspiring.
